Club Marinole is a private club designed for family use and enjoyment. A non-profit corporation organized primarily for swimming.
What is it?
A reinforced concrete pool, Olympic 25 meter length (82.5 feet), 56 feet wide at the shallow end and, 30 feet wide at the deep end, with first class filtering equipment and other apparatus including a 1 meter diving board. When the pool first opened in July of 1960, Club Marinole had a 1 meter diving board and a 3 meter high dive board as well.
A wading pool for the little ones, separately fenced, adjacent to the ladies’ bathhouse, and complete with roofed seating area for the “Sitters.” This is exactly how the description for the baby pool was described in the 1960 Flyer .
A handsome club building, 48 X 26 feet, including complete dressing rooms and toilet facilities, a small office, and the roof extends out to shade 8 feet be 48 feet of the concrete terrace overlooking the pool. Generous concrete pool aprons provide plenty of space for sunbathing and other fun. This handsome description is from the 1960 Flyer.
When did Club Marinole Open?
Club Marinole opened in July of 1960. Construction started April 18, 1960 and was ready for operation 3 months later.
What did memberships originally cost?
In 1960 there was a Life Membership Fee of $350.00.
Annual Memberships in 1960 ranged from $40 – $75.
Neighborhood Character Description on 1960 Club Marinole Flyer:
Only a club of the finest character, with people and rules to match, will continue to be welcome in the pleasant neighborhood of Marinole Park. This is of real value to non-residents, too; the children can use the club as freely as if it was right next door. A private swimming club within bicycle distance, a paradise for the kids and no taxi service.